Let's Just Face It
Welcome, I'm your host Rakel Colina. If you're facing challenges in your relationship, there may be hidden aspects that you haven't fully grasped yet. For years, I found myself in a toxic relationship without realizing the extent of the abuse until the day I finally walked away. Now, I'm here to assist you in identifying the abusive patterns and behaviors, but it's not solely about them. It's time to confront the issues that might be hindering your personal growth and preventing you from becoming the best version of yourself.
Ladies, together let's break down the barriers that hold you back from moving forward and embracing your best life, even in the aftermath of abuse. Remember, it's not just about seeing through their facades; it's about empowering you to overcome your own obstacles. By facing your fears, no matter how small, you can initiate significant transformations. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and liberation. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and liberation. Get ready to take charge of your life!
"Facing small fears can lead to big changes." - Rakel Colina
Let's Just Face It
94. Unmasking Narcissistic Abuse: Healing, Support & Moving On
In this episode, I dive into the depths of this manipulative behavior, shedding light on its various forms and tactics employed by narcissists to exert control and undermine their victims. With clarity and compassion, I provide listeners with practical guidance on how to recognize the signs of narcissistic abuse, empowering them to break free from its toxic grip.
The episode also explores the vital aspects of healing and support, offering valuable strategies and resources for those on the path to recovery. Through personal anecdotes and expert advice, I highlight the importance of self-care, therapy, and building a strong support network. Finally, the podcast episode concludes with a message of hope and resilience, emphasizing the significance of moving on and reclaiming one's life after narcissistic abuse. This episode is for anyone seeking understanding, healing, and ultimately, the ability to thrive beyond the shadows of such damaging relationships.
Links mentioned in this episode:
The Rising Strong Society, click here for info
Gaslighting episode, click here
Trauma Bond episode, click here
Love Bombing episode, click here
Financial Abuse episode, click here
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